Hello everyone! I hope you're having a splendid day whenever you're reading this! I'm so glad you decided to stop by and read my little blog. Today's blog is a slightly different one from my usual style. As you can see from the excruciatingly long title above this is a list of the top 20 shows everyone should see at least once... yada yada yada. What makes this blog more unique is that I asked my readers and friends for show suggestions. I got some feedback with some great shows I have seen and some I haven't but need to check out. Some gave me reasons to check out the show and others did not, which is fine... it'll make it more fun for you to discover why that show is worth checking out. That's to say, on the list some will have reasons to watch the show next to them and others will not. I think this introduction has gone on long enough, don't you? LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED.
P.S. This list is in no particular order.
1. Atypical- Suggested by Erin Conrad
2. Parks and Recreation- "It really reminds you of how important it is to fight for what you believe in."- Tulsa House
3. Parenthood- "It's heartwarming and enduring, while also having some funny lighthearted moments. All of the characters are realistic, and you can definitely identify with one or more of them. It shows the importance of family and being there for the people around you even when they get on your last nerve."- Olivia Clement
Also suggested by Danielle Huggins Pope and Sherry Goodrum
4. The West Wing- "It gives a great inside look into our government and has a PHENOMENAL cast!"- Bailey Evans
5. Downton Abbey- "I think it's perfectly cast, beautifully filmed and scored, and cleverly written. I love how it explores the personal lives of both the British upper class and the help as well as their interactions with each other. I also love that you get to see how both classes were affected by the turn of the 20th century and WWI."- Jordan Spencer
Also suggested by yours truly.
6. Firefly- Suggested by Jason Bullington
7. Adventure Time- "My sis pointed out to me how it's so important the way Finn and Jake process their feelings. Also it's Adventure Time, ya know?"- Amanda Trice
8. Stranger Things- Suggested by Caroline Barker
P.S. Long live Barb.
9. This Is Us- Suggested by Danielle Huggins Pope, Britny Smith, Sherry Goodrum... a lot of people
10. Band of Brothers- "What they were able to do with the cinematography, the story, making you care about each character as an individual and different groups in an entire company, it's 100% a classic, one of the few non-comedies that I've A) bothered re-watching and 2) re-watched multiple times, like once a year on average"- Matt Rogers
11. Arrested Development- Suggested by Anna Doyel
12. New Girl- "It shows that one should never be afraid to take risks. It's also a great show about friendship and the lengths we will go for our friends."- Amy Goodrum
13. Will & Grace- "It deals with real world issues such as acceptance, relationships, family, etc. but does it in a lighthearted manner."- Breanne Goodrum
14. The Crown- "I was so impressed by that show: the historic accuracy, the costuming, the casting, the writing. I just thought it was perfect. I felt like I walked away with such a better understanding of the role of the monarchy in Britain and the circumstances surrounding Elizabeth's ascent."- Jordan Spencer
15. The Office- "It's exactly my humor but also you really fall in love with the characters."- Jessica Flood
16. Ally McBeal- "I absolutely adore this show. It shows that being different is okay and that being different can be our greatest strength. It has lovable goofballs, terrible CGI, crazy antics, and hilarious situations." - Carlee Goodrum
17. Gilmore Girls- This show is awesome! It has a great, funny, fast-paced mother/daughter relationship. It deals with relevant topics such as love, loss, family, etc. It's romantic, comedic, it's just an easy watch."- Sherry Goodrum
18. Buffy the Vampire Slayer- "Sure the show is super corny but it also has really great messages within each episode. It shows that things that bring us down and seem impossible will only make us stronger. We all have inner strength and can take on our demons (literal or metaphorical) head on. It has also has well written characters who you love to watch grow. Plus it has several amazing strong female characters who have substance and individuality."- Carlee Goodrum
19. Derek- This show is criminally underrated. It's Ricky Gervais at his best playing a man with special needs who works in a nursing home. This show is full of love. I cry in every episode. It shows that although we may be different, we are never less than. One person is just as capable as another to do incredible things. It shows that just a small act of kindness and love can go a long way and really change someone's world and perspective. This show can also be very hilarious."- Carlee Goodrum
20. Schitt's Creek- "It's so stupid and cheesy and makes you laugh but at the same time you realize: 1. Material things aren't as important as people, 2. There was an episode where one of the characters, David, was getting his driver's license and he was freaking out because he's a 28 year old man learning to drive and didn't want people to think he was dumb. His sister leaned over and said 'nobody cares David' and explained that everyone is so focused on their own issues they don't notice yours. It made him think not only about himself and his own insecurities but about other people."- Breanne Goodrum
Well there ya have it folks! The top 20 shows as chosen by you and me. I hope you enjoyed this blog and I hope this list encourages you to check out some shows you might not have previously thought about. Thanks to everyone who participated and I hope to do another post similar to this in the future where I can get some of your feedback. Don't worry though I will soon go back to my usual blog style. There's some pretty great films coming out soon so make sure to keep your eyes open for those reviews. As always please leave me a comment or suggestion and tell your friends! Until next time!