Sup dawg? That's my clever way of saying hello to you (my dear reader) for the first time. Did it make a good first impression? Did I come on too strong? I came on too strong... it's okay, you can admit it. Anyway thanks for visiting my blog! I've never done this before so it will be a first for us both. If you didn't already figure it out, this blog will be dedicated to my review of movies both new and old (and yes before you ask.. I was born in the 90s so I still regard the films released in that era as classics). If you didn't already know I am an avid movie watcher... in fact it's literally all I do. You can ask my parents who have begged me on multiple occasions to leave the house. Did I? You may be asking yourself and if not, indulge me please. The answer to that question is no I did not. I would have much rather sit on the couch and stare a screen for one and a half to three hours at a time. Which is good for you because I'll have plenty to review if I'm not lazy and keep up with this blog which I hope I will... As you can see this is not a film review, it's just a long-winded paragraph of me talking about what I know second-best, myself. I will post a movie review soon so stay tuned!
In all serious though thank you for taking the time to visit this little experiment and for reading my rambling thoughts. I hope you enjoy and keep visiting. Make sure to tell your friends about me but maybe wait a little bit until there's actually something else to read besides this.
I'd love to hear your feedback and if you have any movie suggestions for me to check out, BRING IT ON! Did you get the movie reference right there? Bring It On... like the cheerleader movie? BTW if you haven't seen that one, it's good you should check it out. Well I think that's all I have to say so.... LET THE FUN BEGIN!
PS. This blog will look way better soon, I've just got to figure out how to work this thing so bear with me! (And yes that is the correct usage of the word bear.. I looked it up so HA!)