Man I'm just on a roll this week! I've got another review for you guys! Today I will be reviewing the mega shark adventure, Meg. Now as I mentioned in my last blog at the bottom if you read that far, I love shark movies. Absolutely love them but then again I think a lot of people feel this way. They're just so fun and we all have this weird obsession with sharks so naturally we make our way to the theaters. As far as shark movies go this one was fun and gave you just what you expected. I don't want to spoil too much though so... LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!
Man do I love that shot but spoilers... don't get your hopes up because this particular shot isn't in the movie which was a disappointment because it's so cool!
This movie starts with Jonas Taylor (Jason Statham) doing a deep sea rescue. While doing this job the submarine he's working in is slammed by something with a lot of impact and even crushes the side of the sub. Only something with massive strength could do this. They escape the submarine before it explodes but not without some casualties. Jonas isn't 100% sure what caused this destruction but he has a pretty good idea. Many claim he is crazy and was just suffering some type of psychosis but he knows what he saw.
After this event and losing two of his closest friends, he calls it quits and moves to Thailand where he spends his days lounging and drinking a lot of beer. In China there's an underwater lab that is studying the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean. Although it has been claimed that they have reached the bottom of the Trench, the team has a theory that the bottom is actually a sort of cloud that has formed and that the trench goes even deeper. They send a team down there to see if this theory is correct. They successfully go through the cloud formation and discover a whole new part of the ocean. While exploring something massive rams into their submarine and damages it so badly they aren't able to ascend back to the lab.
The team lures Jonas back to help save the people trapped and he encounters the thing that destroyed his submarine and killed his friends all those years ago... the Megalodon (cue intense music).
No one goes into a shark movie expecting it to be a masterpiece. They just go to see a giant shark do its thing and if it causes destruction along the way we're all for it. That's this film. It's just a fun summer movie that covers everyone's favorite subject, sharks, a massive shark at that. I mean who isn't interested in the Megalodon, the biggest shark known to man?When I first heard that this movie was going to be a thing, I couldn't wait for it to come out. I wasn't expecting an Oscar worthy film, I knew what I was signing up for, just a fun, summer movie.
So as you can guess the acting wasn't of the highest quality but is it ever great in a shark movie with the exception of Jaws. I mean this movie stars Jason Statham who isn't the greatest actor of our generation. He's just the guy you call if you need a gruff man who you can't really understand to do action star stuff. It's what he's best at and it's his niche. I honestly could have done without him in this movie because sometimes it focused too much on him and his character and I just didn't care about his character at all. I came to see the shark so put all your focus on the shark. The other actors were fine, they were there to fill out the team and give the audience an insight into what was going on. One character I did end up liking was Suyin played by Bingbing Li, a Chinese actress. I liked that she got to get into the action as much as Jason Statham. Sure she didn't get to save the day like Statham always does but she did get to go into the water and interact with the shark. She was a cool character and I wouldn't have minded if she was the main action star instead of Jason.
Now let's discuss what you really came here for, the Meg. Man is this shark super cool! Overall the CGI for the shark was really good although there were some spotty parts where you could clearly tell it was fake. I didn't focus too much on this though because I was too fascinated on what it was going to do next. If you go into this movie just to enjoy a shark movie and see it do some major destruction then you won't be disappointed. They thankfully do spend quite a bit of time with the shark, like you actually get to see it do it's thing. Some films take forever to show you even a glimpse of the shark and then when you finally see it, it's towards the end of the film for like a minute. You get to see the Meg throughout the whole film and it's pretty cool.
This movie actually had a plot which was nice because a lot of action-y movies tend to not have one. Granted it's not the strongest of plots but it allows the story to flow and gives the characters a goal to achieve. There are cool gadgets and vehicles if you're into that sort of thing. It's just a fun, don't have to think too much movie.
I recommend this movie if you love sharks and love watching sharks do their thing. Also if you want to watch a 60 foot shark cause some chaos, that's always fun. Again don't expect a masterpiece or for there to be riveting acting, the actors are really just there to be a foil to the shark and to let the shark have something to go after. Just go in knowing what to expect from previous shark movies and you'll be good to go!
So this movie has quite a bit of violence which is expected because the shark eats people and other sea life so you will see that. There is a bit of cussing in this as well. It's rated PG-13 so it's up to you parents whether you would like to bring your kids to see this one but it could be too scary for younger kiddos.
So I think I got my point across with this one. If you like shark movies, you'll probably like this one. As always thanks so much for taking the time to read this blog of mine. Please make sure to leave me a comment or suggestion and tell your friends! Until next time!
Oops wrong shark movie but come on, this is the greatest shark movie known to man. Well see ya!