Before we begin, listen to this while you read... it will elevate the experience.
Now that you've got that going... your mission should you choose to accept is to continue on reading this review I've written on Mission Impossible: Fallout, the sixth installment in the Mission Impossible series. I had you worried there for a second, didn't I? You thought I was going to have you go on some crazy mission where you have to jump off buildings and fly helicopters. Well have no fear, I don't have the funds nor the skills for that so the mission today is pretty mild. Although I am known to be dangerous (Nope... I was trying to go for a nonchalant, cool thing but it just doesn't work for me). Anyway as I said before I will be reviewing the newest Mission Impossible so strap in because this could get crazy (I'm trying too hard to be cool, aren't I?). Well... LET'S BEG- wait a second, can we just take a moment to appreciate just how amazing this theme song is? Take it in. Close your eyes. Imagine you're scaling a building or doing the Tom Cruise run around a beautiful city* (see picture 1A for example). Now back to reality! We've got a review to get to so.... LET'S BEGIN!
*Picture 1A
Mission Impossible Fallout is the sixth film in the Mission Impossible series. Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) is once again tasked with saving the world from a catastrophic event. But honestly we're all still ready to go along for the ride because these movies are awesome.
Ethan along with his team including Benji (Simon Pegg), Luther (Ving Rhames), and the toughest chick in town, Ilsa (Rebecca Ferguson) must put a stop to an arms dealer named John Lark and his group of terrorists known as the Apostles. They are in the possession of three plutonium cores which they plan on using for a nuclear attack. They along with CIA's Agent Walker (Henry Cavill) will do anything they can to prevent this from happening.
Don't worry there's plenty of death defying stunts and more action than you can possibly imagine. So strap in because this is one crazy adventure!
Now I don't know about you but I love a good spy movie and Mission Impossible is one spy series that I will continually support despite some of its lesser films (Mission Impossible 2). These past few films starting with Ghost Protocol, followed by Rogue Nation, and now Fallout have been constantly enjoyable. So as you can see I was a fan of this film. A big fan. The action did not let up and it was constantly moving which I love in a good action movie and this is a great action movie. I'm not going to lie to you, I got stressed out in several scenes and was constantly making fists. That's how you know it's a good movie, when you get so engaged in it that you physically get stressed. Not only did this movie have amazing action scenes, it also had some great humor as well. Now shall we focus on some key players? I think we should.
Let's begin with the man who started it all, Tom Cruise. This guy knows how to make a movie. You've got the Mission Impossible series, Edge of Tomorrow (such an underrated movie.. do yourself a favor and watch it), Jerry Maguire. I mean he knows how to pick them, sure he's picked some stinkers (Rock of Ages) but overall he's had a very good filmography. One reason I think I love the Mission Impossible movies so much is because you can see that Tom Cruise is passionate about it and that shows in his performance. I mean the dude does some crazy stunts where he has seriously injured himself or could have possibly died!! He's constantly having fun making these movies which makes it fun watching them. As long as he wants to make these movies, I will watch them.
Now it's no surprise to anyone that I like a strong, female character. I'm pretty sure I talk about at least one in each post. Well no surprise I'm going to talk about another one, MI6 Agent Ilsa Faust played by Rebecca Ferguson, to be exact. This lady is soooooo cool!! Ever since Rogue Nation, her first appearance, I have been team Ilsa. One thing I love about her is that in Rogue Nation (the fifth movie) she is treated as Ethan's equal in both skill and experience. She's also not a love interest which is huge! Sure there's some chemistry between her and Ethan but they always put the mission first and have a deep respect for one another. Although there's a bit more romantic chemistry between them in this film, it's not overtly obvious. It just shows that they care for one another and they don't want any harm to come to each other. I loved their relationship in this movie because they never second guess one another, they know they can trust each other even when they get in some sticky situations. You know what else I love about this character? She's not overly sexualized. A lot of female characters in spy movies are just seen as the object of a man's desire or some sex object (looking at you James Bond) but in these movies she gets to play the game with the boys. She gets to fight, have clever quips, and save the world. She can hold her own and is just as capable as the guys to get the job done. Let's get more lady spies!!
I can't talk about the team players without mentioning one of my favorites, Simon Pegg. This guy has been one of my favorite actors for a long time. I love his sense of humor and his wittiness. He's the comic relief that's needed in an intense movie like this but he also gets to be a part of the action. His character is one of my favorites and I'm really glad that he plays such a big role in this franchise. He not only gets to save the day but gets to do so while delivering great one-liners. Everyone was really good in this movie and they helped ground this extravagant story. You believed the characters and connected with them. Like I said, I got really stressed if something bad was happening to them. I just really love these characters.
So as I said before and you probably already knew but this movie is action-packed. There's car chases, loads of Tom Cruise running, helicopter fights, etc. It's nuts but I loved every second of it. When you think of action movies, this is what you should think of. Many action films these days have such one-dimensional characters but with these we are able to learn who these characters are not just because this is a franchise but because they do a really good job of breaking down each character so we can connect with them. This series also continues to make each story interesting. It never feels stale or like we're repeating something from a previous film. Sometimes sequels or other series can feel like you're just watching the same story over and over again but each film in this series seems fresh and new.
So as you can tell I really enjoyed this film. I highly recommend it to anyone. This is a fun summer movie that allows you to escape the sometimes boring routine of life and feel like you're a spy for a couple of hours. I mean what more can you ask for really? Even if you're not a big action fan, I would still recommend this movie. It has interesting characters, great comedic moments, and a really interesting story. Go check it out!
In case you're skeptical though I will post the trailer so you can get hyped!
This movie is rated PG-13 for violence because it's a spy movie... there's going to be violence. There is also some cussing but nothing too bad. I would recommend not taking too young of a kid to this movie because I mean they give you a lot of information in a short amount of time. You also don't know what side some characters are on because there's double crossing or plot twists so they may have a lot of questions. I may just be saying this though because when I went to see this in theaters there was a young boy and his grandpa and they were constantly talking throughout the movie and it got really annoying so if you want to avoid this, I recommend maybe waiting for them to see this but it's up to you.
I think you know how I feel about this movie so I don't really need to say it again. But in case you didn't get how I felt about this movie, I liked it and I think you should go see it. To conclude this lovely blog I will now post the infamous gif of Henry Cavill pumping his arms getting ready to punch someone. Enjoy and make sure to leave me comment or suggestion. Tell your friends!! Until next time!